Battery Alarm 1.1 (Freeware)

By Anjar 02 Juni 2012 0 comments
Malam ini dhizka akan memposting sebuah software freeware yang berukuran kecil. Sesuai dengan namanya, dengan Battery Alarm 1.1 ini kita dapat mengetahui jika batre Laptop/Netbook kita sudah penuh ataupun sudah ingin habis. Temen-temen bisa mengatur sendiri kapan pemberitahuan itu akan muncul.
Sound untuk notifynya pun bisa terserah temen-
temen, tapii formatnya harus .WAV..
dhizka saranin sih mp3 di convert aja.. hehehe
Kan banyak tuh software converter..
Ayooo temen-temen dicobaaaa...

· NET Framework

What's New in This Release:
· When clicking Play in the settings dialog, the 'Tooltip Balloon' displayed and should not have.
· A Stop button was added incase you have a long running wav file
· When the power is plugged in while the alarm is playing - the alarm will shut off.
· You can now click the ballon/popup to turn off the alarm if its playing. You can also open the window and click the stop button.
· A full battery will no longer play the alarm - just the balloon will be displayed.
· User settings did not save if you closed the program by restarting your PC. This will now save much more reliably and additionally the information is not saved to the configuration file. It is now saved to your user specific private data location (hidden) because on Vista you are not suppose to update any files that are outside your Documents folder.
· A setup program was created.
· A Donate button was added incase anyone wants to make a donation.

Download :
Download Battery Alarm 1.1 (Freeware) Via IDWS (341 KB)
Harus Diketik

Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit)
Posted by Admin Okky

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